BRAVE – workshop in Valencia
Last months for FyG Consultores were very busy. We had a chance to travel and meet with many partners but at the same time, we also could host some partners and participants from BRAVE Project – BRicking Adult’s future Via Empowerment. From our experience, we know that is very important to empower, train low-skilled adults that are less likely to take part in training & over-represented. Because of all that we were very happy to join BRAVE Project that will be structured as a journey, made of several steps, challenges that disadvantaged adults will do acquiring new knowledge & skills, improving their entrepreneurial skills, achieving their personal & professional objectives.
In February we organized the first workshop in Valencia. All activities were prepared with other partners in order to make the event interesting and creative. Brainstorming and knowledge exchange helped us to prepare a very good program and many original activities.
The main goal was to empower our participants, learn about their needs, expectations and make them believe that they have skills that they should use and take advantage of all what they have.
What we all learned during the workshop is that everyone has special SUPERPOWER and should discover it as soon as possible. Additionally, we realized that playing with LEGO can be also implemented in activities with adults. It is not only about fun but also about creativity, open-minded way of thinking and looking at each aspect from other perspectives.
During the event, we couldn’t miss the activity related to Business Model Canvas. All participants were involved in our discussion and shared their experience. Each business needs preparation, plan, resources and a great idea that should work with potential clients.
From our side and together with all partners we would like to say THANK YOU and see you soon!
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