Decent Meeting in Sofia
On Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 July there was a meeting with the Decent team in the capital of Bulgaria (Sofia). The participants who attended the meeting on behalf of the FYG team were given the opportunity to discuss about increase the effectiveness of the fight against functional illiteracy among low-skilled adults who are at risk of social exclusion in the six countries. This goal will be achieved through the development of a six modules course “Decent Life without Illiteracy” and of an eTool/ an e-learning platform to combat functional illiteracy, that will create an adapted framework for dialogue and cooperation in the eradication of functional illiteracy with the help of digital instruments.
The meeting was held in the K & C office and this project was led by the K & C team. From different countries delegates were present at the meeting to make their contribution. The countries that represented were: Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Italy and Spain of course
After everyone was welcomed, they looked back at the work that has already been done. Everyone had the opportunity to give feedback and a preliminary conclusion about the National reports based on the performed questionnaires.
After the break, the conversation was about creating content from the module of the course. Anca provided a presentation on the structure of the content. After a constructive discussion with the participation of all partners the final structure for the content was approved
After a short break we got a presentation of the activities related to O2 that was given by Maciej from CWEP, to end the day with a question and answers session and summary of the first day.
The second day started with a presentation from ADES about the current situation in the management and financial aspect. After the partners got informed about the answers, and according to the local accounting legislation will prepare the needed documents.
CSC as a partner is responsible for the dissemination presented the current situation with all activities. That’s why we got a short discussion about the current situation and future actions we have to take to make this Decent project to a success. The day ended with an evaluation of these two days. also, the next meeting was announced that will be held in Palermo Italy.
A lot of work, that has already been done can be concluded. The next meeting will take place in April 2019. We are therefore looking forward to the next meeting to discuss our current work and findings again.
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